Supply Chain Management calculates demand forecasts by using the Azure Machine Learning Service, which you must set up and run on your own Azure subscription. This post describes how to
Read moreProvision Azure AD B2B users for Vendor Collaboration portal
The Vendor collaboration module is targeted at vendors who don’t have electronic data interchange (EDI) integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. It lets vendors work with purchase orders (POs), invoices,
Read moreMonitoring and Telemetry for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
LCS health metrics will be deprecated soon and is time to start our own Application Insights on Azure to store the monitoring and telemetry generated by our DEV/Sandbox and Production environments.
The following article is a guide on how you can do it. #msdyn365 #msdyn365fo #dynamics365 #finops #dynamics
Read moreUse Azure Data Factory and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Some of us have wondered how to quickly perform data integrations and transformations and Azure Data Factory is clearly one of them. Getting started with Azure Data Factory: Data Factory
Read moreUpload files to an Azure Storage X++ Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
This is a brief example of how to upload files to Azure Storage using X++ code Please note that you will need the URL to connect to the container, as
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