Some of us have wondered how to quickly perform data integrations and transformations and Azure Data Factory is clearly one of them. Getting started with Azure Data Factory: Data Factory
Read moreUpload files to an Azure Storage X++ Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
This is a brief example of how to upload files to Azure Storage using X++ code Please note that you will need the URL to connect to the container, as
Read moreUse OData with Postman Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (On-Premises)
This is a brief example of how to use Postman on On-Premises environments and perform OData queries. ADFS Setup Now on ADFS server in my on-prem environment, I need to
Read moreLDIFDE para importar y exportar a Active Directory
El formato para intercambio de datos en LDAP (o formato LDIF) es un estándar de Internet con el que se busca un formato de archivo que pueda utilizarse para realizar
Read moreTruncar log y espacio disponible en una base de datos SQL
Hola Todos, Les dejo el siguiente script, es para truncar el los de una base de datos de MS SQL y a su vez la indexa y recupera el
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